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Autopilot with GPS Toslon X-Pilot

Vendor code: 0021
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For autopilot, you can install several hundred coordinates, and then choose the one you need to create a feed field. The operation of the device guarantees the high accuracy of the boat route and thoroughly insures it from serious problems that may occur in the process of manual control under an unstable connection.

Autopilot is recommended for fishermen who are engaged in trophy carp fishing, which is especially important technical support for modern equipment.

This is a very convenient gadget for your bait boat, which will help automate control and return the boat, in the case of a low battery charge. The autopilot unit is installed on the control panel of the bait boat. Using a gadget, you can set waypoints for which the ship will be sequentially swimming. Thus, using Toslon autopilot, you can increase the accuracy of the resetting of the bait, and therefore increase the chances of putting out the fish. In the case of a radio signal loss with a boat, the autopilot can take control over himself and return it to the shore. Mounted on the control panel along with the echo sounder. Their synchronous work will ensure the delivery of bait directly to the place you have been outlined for feeding and fishing.

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